Use Confetti by the Pound For Spectacular Photos and Video. Here's How to Choose What You Need.

Rose Petal Drop for Jowy Productions.
Which Product to Use When:
Traditional Tissue Slowfall Rectangles: Tissue confetti is ideal for sporting events, concerts, and big outdoor celebrations. Inexpensive and bright even in dim light, you'll get the longest hang time with Tissue Slowfall and the most effect for your buck.
Flashy Slowfall Rectangles: Choose our 75/25 tissue + metallic Flashy mix for TV, film shoots, smaller outdoor celebrations and theater productions where the sparkle gives texture and depth.
Metallic Slowfall Rectangles: This effect is all shine. Launch these through bright light. Metallic in piles is slippery - consider launching this effect sparingly and away from pedestrian areas.
Die-Cut Shapes: No effect beats the thematic polish of die-cut shapes. Tissue gives you longer waft time. Metallic provides fleeting glimmer. For the longest look, mix Slowfall into your launch.
- MiniFetti: Think of these 1/4" squares as fabulous glitter. They show best against a contrasting background. Launched, they rain. Suspended by floor E-Fans, they swirl. In art projects and table decor, the color is rich and textured.
How To Launch Bulk Confetti:
Use continuous-flow Shot Max and Cyclone to send the effect skyward. Standing Effects Fans spread the look horizontally. Floor-based E-Fans keep confetti of all kinds swirling indefinitely. For close-ups and area-contained effects, hand toss from a balcony or use a theatrical confetti/snow cradle.
How Much Confetti to Get:
Base your purchase on how long you want your effect to last. Blowers use one pound of bulk confetti per minute. The big political conventions use about 200 pounds.