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Confetti Launcher Accessories: Caps, Lifters & Tape

$ 1.64
In Stock
Size One Dozen 1" Barrel Lifters


Compression Caps & Confetti Lifters for 1" and 2" Barrels.

Confidently pre-load your Kabuki Launcher and RC-2 Pro Cannons for no-spill, high-flying confetti and streamer effects.

Protect and boost your launches with these cannon accessories.

In-Cannon Confetti Lifters

Lifters make sure even your smallest confetti sails smoothly into the air. Choose the lifter that matches the diameter of your barrel. Slide the lifter deeply into the barrel, then load your confetti on top of it.

  • 1" diameter foam lifters for (sold by the dozen) 
  • 2" diameter paper lifters (sold by the dozen) 

Barrel Compression Caps

When your effect is loaded, keep it from spilling.  Choose the compression cap that matches the diameter of your barrel. Once your confetti and streamers are loaded, place the paper cap over the mouth of the barrel. Tape just the cap's edges down to the sides of the barrel, leaving paper only covering the top.

When you fire the cannon, your confetti and streamers will blast right through the paper cap soar into the air.

  • 1" & 2" diameter paper compression caps (sold by the dozen)
  • Black tape (full roll)

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