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Fireworks Confetti Streamers: Lavender Skinny Twins

$ 7.71
In Stock
Color Lavender
Size 18" Confetti Cannon Sleeve
Material Biodegradable Tissue


Ultra-thin Lavender Serpentines in 18"-Long, Twin Column Launch Sleeve.

Biodegradable, 1/4" x 15' streamers burst with a pastel flowering effect.  

This pastel Skinny Twin hue shows best with good lighting - outdoors and inside brightly-lit events. Packed in twin columns, the 1/4" x 15' rolls burst apart at launch. From the audience, the visual impression is a lavender flowering or firework look, with no sparks involved.

Easy Cleanup Confetti Effect

It's easy to swoop up streamers and drop them into the recycle bin. Even better is their crowd-pleasing nature. Audiences tend to carry serpentines out with them - usually draped around their shoulders. 

Lavender Skinny Twin Sleeve Details

  • Packaging: Long, 18" cannon-ready sleeves
  • 1/4"x15' Lavender tissue serpentines
  • Biodegradable tissue
  • Fire Resistant

How Much to Get

  • Kabuki Handheld Celebration Launcher: 1 sleeve
  • RC-2 Cannons: 4 sleeves total for 2x20 cannon; 2 sleeves total for 1x36 cannon

1" Barrel Loading Tips

1. Use a funnel, or...

2. Set sleeve and barrel on a table.  Slice the sleeve open along its length and and tickle the streamers into the cannon.

Confetti Creative: All-Pastel  

Add more soft colors to your Lavender Skinny Twin launch by pouring in sleeves of Pink and Yellow Tissue Confetti. 

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