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Fireworks Confetti Streamers: Lime Skinny Twins

$ 7.71
In Stock
Color Spring Green
Size 18" Confetti Cannon Sleeve
Material Biodegradable Tissue


Ultra-Thin, Bright Lime Confetti Streamers Packed in a Twin Column, 18" Sleeve.

You get 2.5x's the streamers in one confetti cannon sleeve, and easy cleanup, too.

The side-by-side columns of 1/4" wide serpentines fly apart as they blast over your crowd. The midair split, from an audience perspective, looks like a fast-opening flower or fireworks burst. Your crowds will have their hands in the air to catch the excitement. The extra-bright lime color reads beautifully at indoor/theatrical events and outdoor concerts, parties and ceremonies.

Streamers cleanup easily when the party’s over.

Serpentines scoop up quickly after the crowd is gone. Make sure to recycle these. And, count on your audience to do a lot of pre-cleaning for you - people tend to drape streamers over their shoulders on the way out the door.

Lime Skinny Twin Sleeve Details:

  • 1/4"x15' Lime tissue streamers 
  • Biodegradable, sustainably-sourced
  • Fire Resistant
  • Packed in convenient 18" plastic sleeve

How To Plan A Skinny Streamer Launch

  • Kabuki Handheld  Launcher: 1 sleeve
  • RC-2 Cannons: 4 sleeves total for 2x20 cannon; 2 sleeves total for 1x36 cannon

Tips for Loading Skinnys into 1" Barrels

1. Use a funnel, or...

2. Set sleeve and barrel on a table.  Slice the sleeve open along its length and and tickle the streamers into the cannon.

Confetti Creative: Add Forest Green Flutter

Double the effect of your launch by slipping in a sleeve of Flashy Green Slowfall Confetti into your Skinny Twin barrel loads. In one launch, you'll add two-tone color, two-tone matte/shine, and confetti flutter to your fireworks streamers.

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