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Kabuki Confetti Streamers - Red, White & Blue Tissue Speedloaders

$ 4.62
In Stock
Size 10" Confetti Cannon Sleeve
Color Red White Blue
Material Biodegradable Tissue


22' Patriotic Streamers Stacked in 10" Ready-to-Launch Sleeve.

Biodegradable and sustainably-sourced, these tri-color serpentines sail above your crowd and clean up easily. 

These red, white and blue tissue serpentines are exactly what you want for July 4th parades, political rallies, school events, Veteran's Day and any other celebration that fits the colors of our flag.  All of our Kabuki Speedloaders come in 10" disposable sleeves: Snip off the end, pour the streamers into your launcher, recycle the sleeve and you're all set to send the your effect soaring over your crowd. The slim sleeves make it easy to reload and re-launch, for fantastic, repeatable streamer flights.

Streamer Cleanup is Easy

  • 10-inch launcher-ready sleeve
  • 22' Tissue Tricolor Streamers
  • Fire Resistant, Biodegradable, Sustainably-Sourced

Calculate Your Purchase

Kabuki Handheld Launcher

  • 2 to 3 sleeves 

RC-2 Pro Remote Control Cannons

  • Order 10 sleeves for 2x 20 cannon (5 per barrel)
  • Order 6 sleeves for 1x 36 cannon (3 per barrel)

How Full Do You Want Your Effect?

Grow your red, white & blue launch to fit the size of any crowd: Hand out Patriotic Confetti Flick Sticks as fans and guests arrive.  These 14" silver cardboard tubes contain the same biodegradable, fire-resistant tissue as our Patriotic X-Streamers, but cut in slowfall confetti. The confetti's fluttering action provides great visual contrast to the high arching streamer flight. Your crowd will delight in being part of the show.

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