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Metallic Confetti: Bright Green Fluttering Rectangles, 1 Pound Bulk

$ 22.87 $ 20.58
In Stock
Color Green
Size 1 Pound Bulk
Material Metallic


Shiny Green Slowfall Rectangles, by the Pound.

Sold loose in bags for large-scale events and targeted drops. 

We cut this glimmering green PVC for long hang time and maximum spin. Then we bag it for you by the pound.

Loose, it is easy to grab by hand for tossed effects or E-fan blows. It is also easily poured into overhead confetti cradles and on-the-ground Cyclone blowers. For big effects and small ones, bulk packaging puts you in control of visual density. Blow lots to create a spectacular flutter curtain for your favorite sports team to run through. Sprinkle it lightly for controlled takes of a TV commercial. 

Metallic Green confetti best shows off its shine in sunlight, in general indoor or stage lighting, or in spotlit areas. To carry your color scheme into dimmer sections, such as audience seating, consider adding secondary cannons or blowers filled with bright lime green tissue. The addition will surprise and delight your guests and still read true green.

Metallic Green Bulk Confetti Details:

  • 2" x 3/4" slow-fall confetti rectangles
  • Cut in our Sun Valley, CA shop
  • Bagged and sold by the pound
  • Flameproof Green PVC

How To Launch Bulk Metallic Confetti

  • Shot Max and Cyclone Continuous Blowers
  • Effects Fan
  • Balcony drop and snow cradle


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